Monday, May 24, 2010

Guy’s night out/Girls night out

Hello my future grooms. I’m sure it’s been awhile since you might have seen your close guy friends. I strongly suggest that you should arrange time within your busy schedules for a guy’s night out. You should also suggest to your fiancée that she should also do a girls night out. Mine was long over due. Saturday night with my close guy friends we went to a bar into the Manhattan to watch the subway series. I’m a big time Yankees fan. I know they lost on Saturday but it didn’t stop us from having a good time and drinking a lot of beers. It was nice to catch up with my close guy friends. While I was with my best buds, my fiancée went out with one of her bridesmaid to celebrate her birthday. So she had her own girl’s night out.

So the moral of the story is that I strongly suggest that even though there’s a lot going on with your lives. You should still make time for your close friends and hang out whenever you can before having kids that take over your


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