Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I’d rather be a Groomsman then a Bridesmaid

First off it’s very impossible to see me in a dress. Nor would you ever want to see my in a dress. So the chances of me ever becoming a Bridesmaid are very unlikely. I’ve been a groomsman twice prior to this year. I’ve recently been asked to be a groomsman this year and next year I’d actual be the GROOM. I don’t think my days of being a groomsman is going to over anytime soon. I’d like to think I could be a groomsman one or two more times.

It’s so much cheaper and easier to be a groomsman then a Bridesmaid. That’s if you’re renting your Tuxedo’s. Unless you’re going to a wedding and the bridal party grooms are all buying custom Tuxedo’s. Once the guy’s are in there Tuxedo’s they don’t have to do much with there hair. Unlink Bridesmaids they have to get there hair & Makeup done. Besides they actual own there Bridesmaid dress that they might only wear once in there life or lucky if they could reuse that dress for another purpose. Being a groomsman is much easier then being a Bridesmaid.


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